Pronar MBA 4512g in composting


In the middle stage of a compost multiprocess theme is placed MBA 4512g. It is designed to optimize the parameters of the biological compost decomposition as accelerate this process by releasing excess heat, allowing water to evaporate or wetting the material, aerating and loosening material, improving ventilation and finally mixing material. Thanks to the track drive, maixmum mobility is guaranteed regardless of the ground.


Technical data

MBA 4512g
Weight (lbs) 30,865
Dimensions (length/width/height) [in] 157.5/203.5/181
Shaft diameter [in] 47
Max. width of the prism [in] 177
Max. height of the prism [in] 87
Speed of the shaft [rpm] 0-220
Throughput [yd3/h] 4185


The shaft rotates at a speed of up to 220 rpm. Easy-to-replace knives facilitate work and reduce service time.

A comfortable seat and air conditioning equipped with a number of filters allow for many hours of work in comfortable conditions.

The intuitive touchscreen helps you to have all important machine functions at your fingertips.

Hydraulically opening side covers and special steps guarantee safe access to all systems.

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